Launch a new channel for attracting leads — targeted advertising — during the global pandemic and receive 10% more applications than expected and at a price 22.8% lower
Applications for premium villas in Lapland at 9.27 €?
We figure out how and where to find an audience and what could have been done even better
Levi Spirit is luxury villas in Lapland, ranked in the Top 20 Winter Resorts in the World by The Times. Those who are tired of the noisy city and want peace, solitude, and enjoy the beauty of the unique nature of the North come here to relax.
The minimum price per day for a villa is 1500 euros.
The client had never tried to attract customers from social networks before, for them, it was a completely new channel. "Our goal is to get about 40 leads for no more than 12 euros per lead. Can you? "

"Yes!" - we answered unequivocally.
First of all, we have compiled a portrait of an ideal client: "English or Russian-speaking, lives in large and wealthy cities of Europe, owns his own business or has a high level of income, holds a TOP position, perhaps there is a family. Tired of the hustle and bustle, a lot of work and attention, the usual types of rest are "boring", it is difficult to surprise with something. He wants tranquility and solitude, perhaps he is fond of skiing, fishing, and bathing. "
Since the conditions of the pandemic were imposed on us, we could not target Moscow, so we decided to focus on two main cities: London and Berlin.
How do we find the audience we need?
We have dismissed the possibility of using look-alike technology, since the client does not have a large database of numbers, on the basis of which a similar audience could be assembled.
And to isolate the Russian and English-speaking audience, we used special language targeting settings.
What audience did we end up with:
Look-alike is targeting in which advertising materials are shown to those users who are similar in behavioral characteristics to the original audience.
To search for a paying audience, we focused on job settings:
— business owners,
— top management,
— state employees.

And additionally "narrowed" the audience by interests:
— Finland and Scandinavia
— fishing
— winter "activities": skiing, snowboarding, and more.

The northern lights are what delight the target audience the most.

In Lapladnia, this phenomenon occurs 111 times a year.
We launched advertising before the New Year, so the main offer was the offer to celebrate the New Year and Christmas in the Arctic.

Based on the feedback from the client and his story about what attracts and delights their regular customers the most, we have identified 4 additional offers.
1. The opportunity to see the northern lights is something that everyone succeeds in their life.
2. Unique service of the villas themselves — we are ready to offer the most individual conditions from meeting by helicopter to a personal chef and bed linen in the right colors.
3. Winter fun typical for the North — dog and reindeer sledding and communication with animals.
4. Proximity to the ski resort — the resort where the downhill World Cup stage takes place, and the ski slopes start almost "outside the villa"

Additionally, for the audience with the interests of "fishing" they used the sentence "to fish in the Arctic Circle".

In addition to these offers, we decided to test the storytelling option — a story from a certain person who rested here and what impressions this vacation brought.
Final images of ad creatives
For landing, we decided to choose a landing page, where they talked about all the possibilities and advantages of the place, showed clearly the internal interior and external beauty of the North.
We created it in two different languages — Russian and English — for each targeting audience.
The main offer on the landing page was "find out available dates for booking".
As a result, 4 campaigns were launched:
— for the Russian-speaking audience in London
— for an English speaking audience in London
— for the Russian-speaking audience in Berlin
— for an English speaking audience in Berlin
And each of the campaigns has 6 audiences with detailed interests and 8 different ads.

During our work, we turned off ineffective ads based on analytics and replaced them with new ones for accurate testing.

Image of part of the Facebook ad cabinet of the Levi Spirit ad campaign
Agency Gradus ° is not only engaged in Internet marketing but also shares knowledge

In June 2020, at the request of VTB Bank, we conducted an online course on targeted advertising for the bank’s corporate clients
For 3 weeks of campaign work, 44 applications received at a price of 9.27 euros, which is 10% more than the expected number of leads and at a price 22.8% lower than expected
As a result, 4 campaigns were launched:
— for the Russian-speaking audience in London
— for an English speaking audience in London
— for the Russian-speaking audience in Berlin
— for an English speaking audience in Berlin
And, each of the campaigns has 6 audiences with detailed interests and 8 different ads.

Site conversion:
— For an English-speaking audience 1.03%
— For the Russian-speaking audience 2.05%.

Of the offers with the most leads:
— For the English-speaking audience, the most attractive offer was to see the northern lights
— For the Russian-speaking audience, the most attractive offer was about celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Lapland
Do you want to know how much an application will cost in your niche?
What else could be done?

To make a beautiful presentation video about the villas and this place were to visually show the interior, the possibilities of accommodation, entertainment, and the beauty of the northern nature — everything that most of all catches and bribes the target audience.

Since video by experience can give an average of 1.5−3 times higher click-through rates than photo creatives and the applications themselves are much cheaper.

Digital-agency Gradus°
We have been engaged in Internet marketing for 8 years.

We work with brands Otto, Tork, Militzer & Munch, cooperate with banks VTB, Uralsib, Sovcombank, and interact with hundreds of small business clients.

We regularly conduct live seminars in Russia and Europe, where we share our experiences and tell real cases.

We publish articles on the portals and executive, write the General Director and Commercial Director for the magazine, give comments for federal TV channels and just figure out what we are doing.

We know how to look at the business from the outside, study the details and find growth points for companies, which leads to an increase in profits.
Do you want to know how much an application will cost in your niche?
Take a short survey to get impressive results in your business with the optimal internet marketing channel